Monday, March 09, 2009

Uganda hates gays while Peter tells us what exactly is a 'power bottom'

Scary stuff coming out of Uganda courtesy of Box Turtle Bulletin -

Anti-Gay Conference Kicks Off In Kampala

Uganda Anti-Gay Conference: Day Two - The Uganda anti-gay conference continues for a second day, with no further explanation on conference leaders’ endorsement of a parliamentarian proposal to upgrade Uganda’s anti-homosexuality law to include forced “therapy” on those who are convicted. Ugandan law already provides for a life sentence on conviction . . .

Uganda Anti-Gay Conference: Day Three -- Gays Blamed For Rwandan Genocide; More Exodus Ties To Holocaust Revisionism

Meanwhile . . .

One of our favorite anti-gay spokesman is devoting serious time to identifying the definition of a "true power bottom."

I wonder which story will One News Now cover.


  1. Three watchdog organizations are demanding the resignation of Exodus International leadership, and reforms to prevent further human-rights abuses by organization leaders.


    Today, we take the unprecedented step of joining together to demand that Exodus International’s Board of Directors take immediate action to hold accountable those who used the Exodus brand to promote an atmosphere conducive to serious human rights abuses. The accountability must begin with reasonable and responsible action by Board Chair Bob Ragan, including:

    * Dismissing Exodus President Alan Chambers for his knowing role in using Exodus to promote human rights abuses
    * Removing Board member Don Schmierer for speaking at a hate conference that promotes physical harm and psychological torture against GLBT people
    * Boldly articulating Exodus’ policy against human rights abuses including forced therapy
    * Promising to end future participation in all conferences that call on the persecution and criminalization of gay and lesbian people

  2. Gotcha, Mike

    I posted it in a separate entry. Thank all of you for this much needed action ;p
