Thursday, April 30, 2009

Carrie Prejean is not going away - but it's good for us

Well this is interesting - Carrie Prejean is not going away. But I don't think it's going to be a bad thing for us.

I just saw her on the Today show in an exclusive interview where she talked about her teaming with the National Organization for Marriage in a new ad campaign.

And I have two thoughts.

The first one - Ms. Prejean said she has not received any threats because of her stance - so I dare Maggie Gallagher and company to try and spin the physical threat claim.

The second thought - Oh My God, you have to be kidding me! Her answers to Matt Lauer's questions were short, inarticulate and very, very vauge. She came across as obviously coached.

Her constant talking point - she is just trying "to protect marriage." And she is willing to do what it takes to "protect marriage."

That's it. And I won't even get to her answer to the question comparing her to Sarah Palin.

My opinion is that she lucked into a situation (thanks again Perez) and the religious right is trying to take advantage of it. The National Organization for Marriage in particular after that awful "Gathering Storm" ad campaign is trying to rebound by using her.

So basically while I respect her opinion, it's safe to say that her 15 minutes are not just almost up, they are careening to a close with the speed of a runaway freight train.

If Prejean is what NOM considers a rebound then the organization should just call the game.

UPDATE - The ad is up. And while it is interesting how it compares Perez Hilton with HRC head Joe Solmonese, it also makes a huge error in referring to the "Gathering Storm" ad. The point of this ad should have been making people forget how bad the first one was. And it also makes more vague and easily refuted charges.

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