Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday midday news briefs

Getting to the Roots of Hate Crime - An excellent article courtesy of Huffington Post.

Yea, Tony? That figure's honest? See nothing false about the witness you've borne? Interesting - Gasp! You mean the Family Research Council is actually misrepresenting a poll on gay marriage in New York? And in other "shocking" news, the sky tends to be blue on bright and sunny days

Gates says axing DADT 'complex' - Some folks may disagree but I don't. I remember what happened during the Clinton years. Let's proceed slowly but not stop the progress.

Ex-McCain aide to call for gay marriage support - Uh oh. I can just see the headlines courtesy of One News Now.

Laurie Higgins Endorses the Bullying of Gay Kids - Why am I not surprised.

Anderson Cooper’s Vulgar ‘Tea-Bagging’ Joke Epitomizes Media’s Hatred of Conservatives- And now some comedy courtesy of our friend Peter LaBarbera. Apparently lgbts had something to do with the mocking of teabaggers. We just got our fingers in everything (Don't you dare make a joke out of that.)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, but the "tea baggers" have been a joke since day one. It didn't take Anderson Cooper and CNN to make them one. If they didn't want to be criticized they should have;

    A. Chosen another name for their shindig.
    B. Not made complete hypocrites of themselves by deciding 3 months into a Democratic presidency that they're unhappy about "Government spending" and taxation. Where were they and their teabags during the 8 years GWB was spending billions a day on the Iraq war, giving $$$ hand over fist to his corporatist cronies, funneling it into his "Faith Based Initiative", etc?


    DADT is not complex. Being gay doesn't mean you can't fulfill the duties of a soldier. If other soldiers can't/won't do what they're ordered because they find gay people icky they need to be court martialed. I can't imagine allowing a soldier to claim those icky Christians are disrupting "unit cohesion". (Of course my personal opinion is that LGBT people should stay the heck out of the military on general principle and refuse to fight--maybe even die--for a nation that doesn't even give them full legal rights. But I fully support those who want to do it and fight for their right to do so.)
