Monday, April 06, 2009

Monday mid-day news briefs

It's a real slow lgbt news day today. Apparently gay marriage coming to the supposed heartland of America really screwed up the religious right. It's all they are talking about.

Uganda Press Crank Up “Predator” Rhetoric - If the situation wasn't so dangerous for lgbts in Uganda, this item would be comical.

VT legislature may hold veto override vote on Tuesday - Will the Vermont legislature have enough votes to override the Governor's threatened veto on a gay marriage bill? They just might.

Milk stamp backers eye SF artist’s painting - I'm all for it.

Conservative Iowans fight to preserve traditional marriage - As you can tell by the headline, this item is from One News Now. The comments section is a hoot.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe we need to syndicate "To Catch A Predator" over in Uganda.

    I know a lot of people disagree with the show (and/or the methods of Perverted Justice), but I believe the show was helpful in busting that stupid myth that "only gays prey on children".

    I've watched every edition of TCAP, and the featured busts were about 90% straight/10% gay (not surprising). And most of those men showing up for boys were not openly gay, but married with or without kids. Hell, one fat guy (I believe Petaluma, CA) showing up for a teenage boy brought his 4 year old son with him!
