Tuesday, April 07, 2009

One News Now commentators get in on the religious right freak out over Vermont

As to be expected, the religious right is freaking out over the news that Vermont has become the fourth state to offer gay marriage via the legislature overturning the Governor's veto.

And I want to bring it all to you but one of the biggest disadvantages of blogging part time is that sometimes the good stuff is covered before I get home from work.

But luckily for me, One News Now and its commentators are there to make sure I get a good foot into this fight:

Vermont legalizes same-sex 'marriage' with veto override

With a headline like that, you just know One News Now won't be wishing us any congratulations on our victory.

But check out the comments.

Now to be fair, some of them are supportive:

Well, for years we have been saying that this issue should be decided by legislatures. Now it has. Not all even Christians buy the notion that, in the civil union sphere, our respective beliefs must be reflected in civil law. Churches can still decide for themselves whether to participate in any marriage. What's all the shouting about? Everyone's rights are protected.

Wow Fanatastic. Just to allay your fears, God does not punish states that provide equal rights to homosexuals. I think he's more concerned about real sin not ones made up by fear mongering preachers How do I know? Here in Canada we've had gay marriage for almost a decade. What happened? Nothing! No Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Floods, and our economy is doing better than the US. God punishes those that discriminate. Your bad to gays, God punishes you. Expect bad times in California. They'll be punishment for Prop 8.

I understand this is a "Christian" website, but I am Christian and I am offended by your tactics to villify others, such as Muslims and queer folk. Why can't you just report on "Same-Sex Marriage" instead of reporting on "Homosexual 'Marriage'" (always putting it in quotes) that "Mock God"? Just report and let us decide. I wish there was a Christian website that wasn't so hateful. My relationship with Christ is about hope and love -- not about judging other people. I think God calls us to love not only those who look/act like us (which is relatively easy), but also those who do NOT look/act like that. And by "love" I do not mean "try to make them look/act like us".

Just love it!!! California, what's wrong with? Thess so called "San-Francisco values" are being adopted everywhere but in California??? Wake up!

Those darn activist legislatures. Decisions this important should never be left to the elected representatives of the people. Where are the courts to step in on this!?!?!

And then there are comments such as these:

I do not believe God will punish the USA directly for its moral decline so much as we will punish ourselves with the natural consequences of our own actions. This cancerous plague of Homosexuality has already metastasized, and it is only a matter of time before the affects take over. We are in the throes of economic crisis precisely because the level of greed has surpassed sustainable levels. What will happen when a majority of people's feelings about others turn completely inward, as the Homosexual movement is aimed exactly at doing (and seems to be succeeding for the most part)? What will the world look like at that point? I know. It'll look exactly like Hell.

It's a shame that these people who are supposed to work for the people ignore the will of the people for their own monitary and political gains. Just keep ignoring the majority for a very small minority of pervered people.

Traditional marriage is vital for long-term reasons of pro-creation, child rearing and social & economic stability – it is not just a “gay” issue. Places like Sweden (where traditional marriage is no longer sacred) (Editor's note - This has been proven to be false) already experience high out-of-wedlock childbirths. Other nations that have weakened their marriage laws have also seen others' rights taken away in terms of parental rights and freedom of conscience. I believe that we should show compassion and respect to those dealing with same-sex attraction, but we should not endorse harmful, immoral sexual conduct with law (even though people are still free to choose such conduct privately). Of course, unmarried heterosexuals are not always immune from sexual sin either.

Ok followers of Christ. It is time to get from behind the computer and go outside to let america know how angry we are. We have strength in numbers, time to put our numbers to use. if we don't, america will be completely lost to abomination and the smell of our country will stink in God's nostril.

A continuation of immorality in motion - what a STATE. In their case, however, the people voted for it via their legislature.

God will not be mocked but that is not the only law of God that we of these Uited States are breaking. We will pay the price someday and we have started with our current President. God caused him to become President because we - God's own are not standing firm and following Him as we should.

Firstly they should have used the proper term "sodomite" instead of homosexual. And yes, that term should make you feel uneasy. It's certainly not "gay" to be against God in your conduct. I'll even approach this from an evolutionary standpoint - "gay" behavior is maladaptive, because it does not perpetuate dna into successive generations. That behavior should have been vetted out millions of years ago. So this goes not only against the supernatural, it goes against the natural. The Bible does say that prior to Christ's return it will be as in the days of Lot. I guess we're getting close folks.

Two thumbs down for Vermont. Shame on you.

Unfortuneately this is paving the way for all states to adopt same sex marriage. I dread the day that I have to watch men, or women, hold hands and kiss openly in the street. We are considered "haters" for opposing this. Maybe it is time we hold to our beliefs but be Christlike examples in the way we live so that our lifestyle is attractive to these lost individuals. They cannot comprehend why we want this banned. They cannot fathom hell and eternal damnation. They don't get it ! Us Christians are way to late to do the picket and protest thing. It would have worked better 10 years ago, but now we are seen as haters. I think it is hurting the cause rather then helping.

Though we joke about religious right reactions, let's not get too lighthearted. We all know that religious right organizations are planning a comeback to all of this good lgbt news.

And we had better be ready to defend every success we get.

1 comment:

  1. They always scream no matter who does the deciding, at least when they don't get their way. Darn activist judges! Meddling legislators!

    Really, we should just let god come down here and tell us directly how he wants it done. Until then his minions need to keep themselves quiet about the whole thing and let us be.
