Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday musings - hate crimes legislation, One News Now whiners

Apparently the hate crimes legislation vote has been delayed until tomorrow during today's Judiciary Committee.

Some Republican senators kept tacking on ridiculous amendments in an effort to undermine the bill.

Strange though how none of them offered up an amendment to eliminate religion as a protected class under hate crimes legislation.

Tomorrow will tell whether or not this was a stall tactic or just sour grapes.

Let's keep our fingers crossed.

And while those fingers are crossed, I've seen something that is sure to put a smile on your face.

Right wing writer Michelle Malkin has written a very interesting piece in One News Now today that's sure to set conspiracy theorists on their asses.

She links several controversial incidents (including the Miss America controversy and the mocking of teabaggers ) to the election of President Obama.

Feel free to read it if you want because I won't go into detail about it. I just think it's sad that Malkin is obviously running out of material to write about.

Maybe too much teabagging has affected her?

Anyway, some of the comments to her article are positive and some (including mine) are negative. One comment in specific caught my eye:

I am so confused. Lately on OneNewsNow, which is a Christian news site, and the AFA, a pro-family, Christian organization, there are all these comments that are from non-Christians. There seems to be a massive infiltration happening. I certainly don't surf liberal or gay web sites looking to stick my nose into their business. I would appreciate the same courtesy but, as I type, I know who I'm dealing with (yes, you) and know that that will not happen. Civility is only civil when you want it for yourself.

Now that just brings a smile to my face. Am I being juvenile? Maybe. But then again probably not.

One News Now invites people to comment on articles It's obvious that many of us have been taking advantage of this courtesy to remind the phony news service that sometimes it conveniently omits crucial portions of current events in an attempt to stigmatize the lgbt community.

I'm guilty of it and I will do it every chance I get.

In fact, more of us should.

But please be respectful. None of that Perez Hilton type of name calling. State your facts accurately and courteously.

As long as One News Now extends the courtesy, lgbts and our allies have every right to take advantage of it.

1 comment:

  1. There seems to be a massive infiltration happening. I certainly don't surf liberal or gay web sites looking to stick my nose into their business.Whether this person does or not I don't know. However considering the number of RRRW comments my wife and I have received, particularly of late, there are definitely many people who do. But really, would this person rather some liberals leave comments on ONN or "stick their noses into" their business by making oppressive laws that forbid them from marrying or adopting, allow people to fire them and refuse them housing just because of who they are?
