Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What's the deal with Governor Mark Sanford?

Again, not necessarily an lgbt issue per se, but still important nonetheless.

As I understand it, Governor Mark Sanford will be speaking at one of the tax day tea parties. And recently, he filmed a commercial explaining why he doesn't want to use monies from the stimulus package to help South Carolina's schools.

All in all, not bad for a man who, to my knowledge, has never even visited the "Corridor of Shame."

For those who don't know, the Corridor of Shame is the nickname they give rural schools along South Carolina’s Interstate 95 corridor; schools in which textbooks are torn and fragile, there is no heat, there are problems with sewage, and the buildings are in badly need of repair - schools that would benefit from the $700 million in stimulus money that Sanford doesn't want to give them.

Twice, South Carolina fell for Sanford's phony folkism and what do we have to show for it? A State House full of pig poop, high unemployment, and bearing witness to legislative fights that resemble the worst of an episode of Jerry Springer.

And now Sanford wants to ride that record to the White House with this teabagging party nonsense being the first step.

You know, it used to be that when politicians were aiming for the White House, they would have the good taste not to be so obvious about it.

Tuesday midday news briefs

Forgive me for not adding my usual commentary but this stimulus issue has me majorly teed off.

'True tolerance', except for both the true and tolerant part

Police investigate anti-gay attack at UVa

Washington State House Passes Transgender Hate Crimes Bill

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