Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday midday news briefs

Gay Teen Receives Prom Queen Crown - It's the story everyone is talking about (it's driving the folks at Free Republic nuts), so I figure what the heck.

Black Leaders Step Up for Equality - I love this story, particularly what Maya Angelou did. Her actions should send a message on how we should fight for not only marriage equality but lgbt rights in general in the black community.

Widespread Acceptance of Gay Marriage Just a Matter of Time - And I hope it comes in time for me to buy my outfit and pick my groom.

Plane silly: Kick and screaming for bias - This is a damn shame. I usually emulate crazy sistas. I don't think I will emulating this one (okay except for the part about being carried by two hunky men).

Palin's Hometown Newspaper Declares the Antichrist Will Be Homosexual - Okay who told them my secret? Well if something should happen to anyone involved with that newspaper (such as hanging themselves at a birthday party, getting staked in front of a church, getting thrown out of a hospital window, getting decapitated, having a crow pecking out their eyes right before getting hit by a truck on a lonely highway, getting caught between two freights of a train, getting cut in half in an elevator) I didn't do it. Editor's note - if you saw The Omen and Damien Omen II then you should get this joke

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  1. I read the article in Palin's hometown newspaper that was written by some Baptist minister. I don't know if the paper takes the same position. It would be interesting to know what kind of letters to the editor the paper receives in reaction to this crazy article.

    I took the time to read the verse in Daniel. The anti-Christ sounds like every egocentric power-hungry leader that has ever walked this world, Popes included.

  2. According to some people, the Anti-Christ showed up way before the United States was even founded. Personally, I think the person who wrote and composed "One Bad Apple" and talked the Osmonds into singing it qualifies as the Anti-Christ.
