Monday, May 25, 2009

Not necessarily an lgbt issue but it's funny

As some of us await the Proposition 8 ruling tomorrow, I thought it would be educational and humorous to shine a light on some of our opposition.

This is a forum by that lovely online publication World Net Daily. The forum is devoted to allowing WND readers to ask President Obama questions.

Based on some of these "questions," they seem to like him as much as they like us:

Where is it? Your Live Birth Certificate? I know you do not have one! So how did you get into office? Just because you can read a teleprompter does not qualify you a president! Your arrogance is astounding you say President Bush did not keep us safe and made the terrorists situation worse but were we hit again? Easy yes or no? Answer is NO all you do is apologize for America why? We have done nothing wrong! If you feel the need to apologize so much why are you here in America? You are Muslim so you should go home! As my Grandmother always said your lies will show your true face the one you hide from others.

When I speak on topics at seminars, I know my topic well, if my notes are misplaced or water spills on them, I can keep going, because the topics I speak on are close to my heart; they are friends I want to share with my audience. When your speeches are not properly prompted, you lose your focus and ability to continue intelligently. You should be so well versed in your speeches that you could continue in a typhoon. Do you not know your topics? Or are you speaking someone else's words for them? Who really has your heart?

I would like to know how you turned from Muslim to Christian and now to WHAT??? You have turned your back on Christianity since you took oath. You can lie with that arrogant self righeous attitude with the best of the evil people.
I have not believed one word you said from day one and I am not a Republican!!!

As a "constitutional lawyer", how do you justify holding the office of President of the United States when you have not proven conclusively that you are constitutionally eligible to hold that office?

Mr. Soetoro - my question is by what authority did you assume the office of President? There is no proof that you are a citizen of the United States and certainly not a natural-born citizen as the Constitution requires. What gives you the right to sit in the White House every day NOT upholding your oath of office to support and defend the Constitution? You do remember the Constitution right? The suprewme law of our once-great Republic?

Yo Barry: Since you are the bastard son of a communist whore, and you see yourself as savior of the world, are you going to use your god-like powers to feed the masses after there are no more jobs in which to work to earn money. Or are you going to expect the us stupid Americans to get our food from the foreign aid Saudi Arabia provides? Do we have to cook our rice over open cow dung fires like your ancestors in Kenya? Will your little woman be cooking over cow dung fires?

Hey Hussein,
How is being a usurpin puppet for the Bilderbergs workin for ya??? And how do you sleep at night knowing your days are numbered? Which prison will you pick to live the rest of your joke of a life in?

So Barry, now that you are destroying the nation, murdering babies all over the world, spreading communism to the idiots that voted for you and all in all making yourself the new god, do you have to take a double dose of your anti-psychotic medication in order to reach your happy place? Enjoy it now, Barry. What goes around comes around, the piper always demands payment (and he ain't Allah).

I want you to know you are not my president and wouldn't have been even if you could show proof of citizenship, which we all know now you haven't a snowballs chance..My question to you is, where in the U.S. do you think you'll be able to live after you're escorted out of the White House in cuffs,,you may get your pick of prisons, your a fraud and major law breaking USURPER!!!!!

I think Marge Simpson sent that last one.

And those comments are just from first three pages. There are a lot of people with too much time on their hands.

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  1. I should probably let you know that this particular post inspired my own take on a similar situation surrounding the "birther" controversy on my own sad excuse of a blog on MySpace. The post in question can be reached by clicking on my name.

    I really don't know how anyone can track the antics of these people on a regular basis and still maintain an image of composure and sanity. Kudos to you, brother, keep up the good work.

  2. Me tracking these folks pays off when people like yourself take notice of their antics. Your post was very good ;p
