Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday musings

This is a slow, lazy day so I'm going to make a few quick comments regarding lgbt issues and world issues in general

- First, a word to President Obama:

Dear President Obama, please address the situation regarding Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Proposition 8, or any of the promises you made regarding lgbt rights. I mean really -I'm starting to feel like Bart Simpson in that episode of about Camp Krusty.

And stop cracking side jokes. You screw up every time you attempt it.

- I'm convinced that Maggie Gallagher and NOM is a sleeper organization for lgbt rights. I haven't gotten the latest memo from national headquarters but I will stake all of my Bette Davis and Joan Crawford movies on it.

- Matt Barber of Liberty University - since I suspect that you google your name from time to time to see how many webpages have mentioned you (don't be ashamed because I do it too), this is for your benefit. Despite the fact that you are absolutely morally wrong on the issue of lgbts and have told many lies, you are a cutie . . . SIKE!!!!! I may be gay but I will never be desperate . . . in daylight hours that is.

- I suspect that pretty soon, Republicans will be blaming hopefully soon-to-be Supreme Court justie Sonia Sotomayor for the American Idol/AT&T scandal. I happen to know for a fact that she didn't do it. She was busy plotting against Carrie Prejean.

- Food for thought: This is one of the comments from the One News Now phony story, TX 'hate crimes' bill targets children:

Do we not remember the story of Saddam and Gomorrah?

And here I thought we were just blaming him for weapons of mass destruction

Finally, the following is too funny for words. Just watch it:

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  1. Have you seen this story yet? I'm sure the fundies will have lots to say about it.

  2. I saw it. They are freaking out over at Free Republic. I'm like please, this happened at my university over 10 years ago. LOL
