Monday, June 01, 2009

Hatred never rests

I received this lovely bit of trash in the mail this weekend via the Family Research Council. I took the liberty to bolden a few words:

Stop the Attempts to Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act
May 29, 2009 Share with Friends

"If You and Others Protect This Law, National Same-Sex Marriage Is Impossible . . ."

Dear Alvin,

In the past few months, the Left has launched an angry, intolerant rush to try to destroy America's resolve to define marriage as between one man and one woman.

They've attacked a Christian young lady in a beauty pageant for speaking out for marriage. They've been whipped into a frenzy as radicals on the Iowa and Connecticut supreme courts and in the Vermont , Maine and New Hampshire legislatures have moved to legalize counterfeit marriage in those states.

They rejoiced when the Washington , DC city council voted to recognize same-sex "marriages" from other states.

They're trying to make homosexual marriage seem "inevitable."

But it's not inevitable.

That's largely because of a 1996 law called the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). With leadership from Family Research Council and our allies, it passed Congress with 85 percent majorities and was signed by President Clinton.

Please stand with FRC Action to stop President Barack Obama and radicals in Congress from their attempt to repeal or weaken the Defense of Marriage Act.

The Defense of Marriage Act stops radical judges from forcing all of America to accept counterfeit marriage just because extremist officials in five states have legalized it.

But if the President Obama and extremists in Congress like Nancy Pelosi abolish or weaken DOMA, then counterfeit marriages will spread and become the law of the land-whether you and a majority of Americans like it or not.

They don't want to awaken pro-family Americans, so they may not use one bill to destroy DOMA. They may dismantle it piece by piece via stealth tactics such as amendments to other bills or federal regulations. There are no less than 15 bills currently in Congress that seek to undermine DOMA, many of them have been fastracked.

That's why I'm asking you to send a donation to support FRC Action's tireless efforts on Capitol Hill to stop Barack Obama and his extremist allies from repealing or weakening DOMA.

And I need to hear from you immediately.

Pro-family Americans like you passed DOMA. It was your victory-for your values. Don't let the angry forces of the fringe Left take it away.

If DOMA is abolished or weakened and counterfeit marriage is spread nationally by radical judges, then:

Children in elementary school will be required to learn that homosexual marriage and same-sex behavior are normal and good ... and that their parents or pastors are bigots if they oppose it. It's happening where counterfeit marriage is legal.

Religious charities that oppose homosexual marriage could be forced to close -it happened to Catholic Charities' adoption services in Massachusetts because they refused to hand over innocent orphans to "married" same-sex couples.

Their goal is to silence the moral voices of America. Our social fabric will unravel.

With your donation, FRC Action will work faithfully to protect marriage in Washington and the states. We'll also remind members of Congress that

the vast majority of Americans oppose homosexual "marriage"

30 of 30 states where citizens have voted have upheld marriage as between a husband and a wife

45 states currently favor keeping marriage between a man and a woman

even the radicals in Iowa , Vermont and Maine could be overruled by voters.

But we must act now to counter the propaganda. Thank you for your prayers, petitions, and contribution to stop this immediate threat.

Standing (Ephesians 6:13),

Tony Perkins

This email was sent out before the murder of Dr. George Tiller, but it still is food for thought. True Christians don't need to stoop to such ugly rhetoric to get their points across.

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