Saturday, June 06, 2009

The State newspaper runs my column on lgbts of color

My column about lgbts of color is up and it looks good. From what I understand, it will be on The State's webpage until next Saturday. It is the first time that the State newspaper addressed lgbt issues from an African-American gay man's perspective on its editorial pages.

Click here for the link. One of my favorite highlights:

Instead of real conversations, gays and lesbians of color are supposed to be placated by ridiculous assurances that no one has a problem with our “lifestyle” as long as we aren’t in anyone’s faces about it.”

Then we are condemned about our supposed “lifestyle” — as if homosexuality was the original sin that drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden — while over-sexualized images in African-American entertainment, fornication and out-of-wedlock births are given a virtual pass in the pulpits. (When President Obama called out homophobia in the pulpits, he was given a standing ovation while his advice went unheeded.)

Meanwhile black-oriented television shows and motion pictures consider us as persona non gratis or simpering oversexed caricatures.

Gays and lesbians of color are being pushed in a psychological closet and muzzled by our own community. We are treated like dog dirt on the front lawn of black America, something to be avoided or eliminated with the utmost efficiency.

Like I said before, I deliberately avoided the tired comparison of the "black civil rights movement" and the "gay civil rights movement."

There have been very few words or columns that center on the plight of lgbts of color, period. When there are discussions about African-Americans and lgbts, there seems to be this need to separate the two entities. I can't tell you how many times that hurts me. I feel like a rope in a vicious tug war game.

I want some attention to be focused on lgbts of color; not how the black community ignores us affects the lgbt community at large, but how the lack of attention affects us.

And I don't want patronizing comments from well-meaning supportive black heterosexuals either. For a change, I want all words to come from us and all eyes to be on us.

Yes I sound selfish when I say this but I don't care. I've seen other people talk about lgbts of color for the longest time.

Now it's time for us to do the talking. Or rather the shouting because we have been talking but no one has cared to listen.

Also, to the side, I have added a new feature - The Best of Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters, which features some of my best work. Message to the Religious Right is included.

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  1. Congrats on getting your op-ed published. I agree with you fully on the issue of the black glbt community being ignored. Therefore, what you did was extremely important, and there will be many throughout South Carolina who will benefit from reading your words. Thank you for what you have done, and congrats again.

  2. A very, very good article. I can only pray that it is read by those that really need to read it. And, makes them search their souls, reflect upon their words and change their direction.

  3. Beautiful! I hope it gets some good dialogue going--it's sorely needed.

    Why is it that we're supposed to endure everyone else getting in our faces with their "lifestyle" but then we're supposed to stay in the closet? I'm sick to death of pandering to the bigotries of others to make them more comfortable.

    fornication and out-of-wedlock births are given a virtual pass in the pulpits.

    Would you believe a supposedly secular person put forth the argument that same-sex marriage should be illegal because "There are so many illegitimate births in the Black community. If gay couples are allowed to marry it will further stigmatize marriage (men will see marriage as "gay") and it will be even more difficult to convince them to do the right thing and marry the women they create children with."

    What the heck?
