Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Wednesday midday news briefs

Desired results misfire - You have to see this sure sign of the Apocalypse! We are winning in a One News Now poll. Apparently some folks don't mind President Obama's proclamation of June being LGBT Pride Month. Probably some poll crashing by folks who are on our side of the argument. BUT ISN'T IT NICE!!

NH Senate passes gay marriage revision; House next - Slightly derailed never means totally stopped.

Court Upholds LGBT Protections for Students - Uh oh. You know those "activist judges" making us treat everyone equally. It's soooo unfair.

Mental illness less likely for lesbians' kids - Here is one foreign study the religious right won't be trying to distort. Then again . . .

Rhode Island: No Equal Marriage, But Possible Funeral Rights - Okay, I'm one for sometimes being pragmatic and patient and taking a little bit and a little bit more until you have it all but DAMN!

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  1. PZ Myers asked his readers to knock over that poll. I have no idea how much bearing it has though.

  2. Anonymous1:21 AM

    When PZ gave out the word, the original number of votes were 19,000 with only 1.81% voting for it being a well-deserved celebration.
