Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Calling Senators about hate crimes legislation, Marion Barry, Harry Jackson, and other news briefs

What you can do to pass hate crimes legislation - Between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET, a toll free number (866-659-9641) will be open for you and your constituents, friends, family members and collegues to call your senators and urge them to support the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Learn more about the act by downloading CenterLink Hate Crimes Factsheet - Senate 2009-07.

Video: Shameless desperation - And speaking of which, the religious right continues to lie about hate crimes legislation.

Marion Barry on his ethics woes - 'the homo is trying to set me up' - Oh my God is all I can say.

Bishop Harry Jackson and pals write open letter to Obama: 'same-sex marriage is not a civil right' - Harry Jackson, I am a black man and I say who in the hell appointed you to dictate what is or isn't a "civil right?" Jackson is indicative of black leaders willing to trade sacrifice the well-being of their brothers and sisters (because lgbts of color exist believe it or not) for face time and status.

Pro-Gay Miami Judge Demoted - Watch how quickly the religious right attempt to link Judge Lederman's "demotion" to her decision about gay adoption in Florida.

Reid endorses moratorium on ‘Don’t Ask’ - Hot damn!

Ratcheting up the distortions - One News Now has three one-sided articles about the lgbt community. That phony news service doesn't miss a trick:

NEA flexes 'political muscle,' backs same-sex 'marriage'

Are Dems trying to sneak 'hate crimes' through?

Pro-homosexual 'ruse' masquerades as bullying bill

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  1. From Harry Jackson’s book: “The Truth in Black and White“:

    “The laws enacted by Congress during a century of struggle for equal right for African Americans…

    …Homosexuality, on the other hand , is a choice.” [p147]

  2. Stupid is as stupid says.
