Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Death watch for Mark Sanford's career in Columbia

Okay this is not necessarily an lgbt issue per se, but it's interesting to watch nonetheless.

You all have heard the speculation and polls wondering when or if Mark Sanford will resign as South Carolina's governor.

But let me tell you how it is in the fair city of Columbia.

We have a death watch going on for Sanford's governorship. It's like waiting outside a palace for the news of the king's death. To us, it's not a question of whether or not Sanford will resign, but when.

And no one can figure this man out. The majority of the comments I have received has to do with his Tuesday interview with the Associated Press.

Why didn't he keep his mouth shut?

He just made it worse.

Talk about putting your foot in your mouth.

It's like what I said earlier - it's never the original revelation of wrongdoing that brings down a politician, but the other details that seem to come out.

Who would have thought Sanford was a player and dumb one at that?

Another thing about this entire situation is how Jenny Sanford is fastly becoming everyone's hero.

Rumour control is that she is being advised by a friend named Sheniqua. Sheniqua was the one who told her not to not to accompany Sanford at his original press conference:

Girl, he must be crazy. He dogs you for some Argentine ho' and then he wants you to to stand by him in public? If it were me, I would stand by him alright and when his back was turned, I'd break my foot off in his ass. That nasty @!$%

I hear that after Tuesday's interview with the Associated Press, Sheniqua was trying to convince Jenny to set Mark's clothes on fire.

Okay I made that last part up. But the fact of the matter is this: Sanford's tenure as governor is over. But because of his plain stubborness that has gotten him into trouble so many times, Sanford seems to be the only one who is not aware of this fact.

Many of us in Columbia are wondering when will he catch a clue and just give up the ghost.

But according to a friend of mine, it could be worse:

"Mark had better hope Jenny hasn't watched one of those Tyler Perry Madea movies."

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  1. I will bet you that he serves out his term as governor. Republicans and Democrats don't want Bauer as governor.

  2. I don't know about that. Anything is better than what's going on now.

  3. hypocrite [hip-oh-krit] a person who pretends to be what he or she is not.

    In some ways, GOP hypocrites are destroying their own "traditional values" brand. If SC Dems try to impeach Sanford, that is going to put SC GOP members in the awkward place of defending Sanford versus voting to get rid of him. After years of GOP moralizing and gay bashing, watching these people squirm is delicious.

    Is Bauer (a 40-year-old "bachelor" and cloe friend of "bachelor" Lindsey Graham) a gay man?

  4. I don't know about Bauer but if Sanford does resign, I expect that there will be scrutiny of Bauer's personal life.
