Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ex-gay lies, the blacklisting of lgbt groups, hate crimes legislation, and other news briefs

Stop drinking. Get help for traumas. Heck, stop having gay sex. But stop linking these disconnected elements! - This piece illustrates why I have little respect for the supposed "ex-gays." They all seem to either have the same story or confuse bad behaviors with being lgbt. Having promiscuous sex or engaging in drug and alcohol abuse is not a hallmark of being an lgbt anymore than it is of being a heterosexual. If some of these supposed ex-gays took some responsibility and owned their bad behavior, they wouldn't have time to blame us for it.

Anti-Gay Maine Campaign’s Lack of Grassroots Funding - The anti-gay marriage side is bussing in monetary support just like they did in California. Why am I not surprised?

Bush's Justice Dept. blacklisted LGBT groups - I continue to be impressed with the Washington Blade's digging on stories. Keep it up cause I've got a few for ya! Call a brother!

Lawmakers raise concerns about locker rooms at trans rights hearing - The religious right lie about "predators in the bathroom" is striking again.

I received the following email from People for the American Way. Keep the calls coming. And just in case you get discouraged, remember that I have both Lindsay Graham and Jim DeMint as my senators and I am still making a call:

Later today, the Senate is expected to vote on the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act (S. 909) -- as the Leahy/Collins/Kennedy/Snowe amendment to the defense authorization bill. Our coalition partners have set up a call-in number for activists to call their senators toll-free to make sure they are hearing Americans' support for this bill.

Please call YOUR senators right now, toll-free at 866-659-9641 and make sure they hear your support at this critical time. Tell them: Vote YES on the Leahy/Collins/Kennedy/Snowe amendment!

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