Thursday, July 30, 2009

Harvey Milk to get Presidential Medal of Freedom, religious right attack imminent and other Thursday midday news briefs

Harvey Milk to receive Presidential Medal of Freedom - A well-deserved honor but batten down the hatches cause you just know what's going to happen next. The religious right is sure to freak out.

Well as far as I'm concerned, to paraphrase Cameron Diaz in the Charlie's Angels movie:

Bring it on, bitches!!!!!!!!

For a full list, including Chita Rivera (alright!) and Billy Jean King,
go here.

Chicago event to honor gay veterans - They had better!

Mass Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Is Pro-Gay - This is good news!

Info on homosexual health risks squelched - It was just a matter of time before One News Now pushed Peter LaBarbera's Paul Cameron grafted lie.

The Rebirth of the Center for Reclaiming America - And speaking of that lie, it gets shot down by People for the American Way in the midst of a report about some awful religious right conference. As the article says, we should be hearing more from the conference attendees as time goes on.

Which is fine by me. Let's do this thing!

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