Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Tuesday midday news briefs

Ignoring Perez from this point forward: Who's in? - I'm in! I've been in that camp for a while. And it is just goes to show how out of it The Advocate is for putting that child on the cover. First "Is Gay the New Black," now this mess. No wonder the lgbt community is having a hard time getting what we need when those we trust as our news gatherers are concerned with trifling bullshit like Pereze Hilton. Does The Advocate have a clue?

From the Editor: Why Perez? - If you are as pissed as I am by what The Advocate did, check out the video from its editor and register your opinion. Blah, blah, blah about the first amendment. The Advocate has a responsibility to move the lgbt forward and give us the tools we need for survival. Focusing on a immature, ignorant, bottom-feeding gossip columnist does nothing for the lgbt community.

NARTH Publishes Fake “Study” In A Fake “Journal” - Meanwhile those who are doing serious work for the lgbt community are steadily working behind the scenes to debunk the lies of the religious right.

Time article mulls connection between slain sailor's murder to queasiness over repealing DADT - Another more important cover story that The Advocate will probably miss.

End for HIV Travel Ban - Well at least this story is touched on in The Advocate.

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