Saturday, July 25, 2009

Repost: Something guaranteed to piss you off

I ran into something a while back that I have been itching to show on this site.

This 1986 comic was created by a man named Dick Hafer and it is a vile representation of some of the most evil anti-gay lies out there.

This is for the many young folks who don't remember what it was like in the 1980s when the AIDS crisis was in full bloom, ignorance was all around and Paul Cameron was a credible name.

It is a representation of how far we have come and how far we have to go. You will recognize how some of the same arguments are still being used, although not as explicitly. Check out the comic's list of supporters shown on the last graphic. One of them is Beverly LaHaye, the founder of Concerned Women for America - a religious right organization that continues to fight against lgbt equality.

The next time you hear one of their representatives whining about "intolerant gays," bring this comic to his or her attention.

You can click on the pictures to get a better view of the pages - more are at the bottom (even though I don't think it's work safe). And if you want to see the entire comic (God help you) go here.

Editor's note - The webpage featuring this comic is not anti-gay. It's a site that looks at "problem-based comics" from the past.

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  1. Bill S9:47 AM

    "Superbly researched"?
    I guess I'm lucky I didn't see this thing when it first came out. What's truly depressing is that there are people who, even today, would BELIEVE this stuff. Because it doesn't just play on public bigotry, but stupidity as well. I mean, I don't know very much about S&M subcultures, but I'm fairly certain amputations are not a feature of them.
    Beverly LaHaye hasn't changed much in 23 years. And her husband Tim has publicly endorsed killing homosexuals.

  2. I'm glad you shared this. Folks don't understand what sort of vile stuff has been written and is out there. I used to collect comics, but never saw this one before!
