Thursday, July 02, 2009

Support Sean's Last Wish and Kevin Jennings

The Fourth of July holiday is almost upon us and I am going to accomplish something during my time away from work.

I will be updating my Anti-Gay Lies and Liars webpage. The update is sorely needed because I haven't put anything new in the timeline since before the Ms. California/Perez Hilton nonsense.

But there are two things that I ask that you do for me.

The first is to look at the following video featuring Elke Kennedy, head of Sean's Last Wish.

Elke began this organization after her son, Sean, was murdered in a vicious hate crime in 2007. She travels the country educating people on the need for the lgbt addition to hate crimes legislation as well as ways to stop violence against lgbt youth.

Unfortunately, the man who murdered her son, Stephen Andrew Moller, was released from his 5-year suspended sentence today; a week before he was supposed to be released.

He was indicted for only involuntary manslaughter and sentenced on June 11 2008 to a 5 year sentence suspended to three years.

His sentence had already been reduced by two months after receiving a good behavior credit for receiving his GED while in prison.

I've said it once and I will say it again: that's some bull@!*&

The second thing involves Kevin Jennings.

Goodness knows I've talked enough about how the religious right is playing the game of character assasination against him since his appointment as Assistant Deputy Secretary of Education for the Department’s Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools.

The organization that Jennings founded, GLSEN, has an online petition that you can sign thanking US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan for Jennings's appointment and asking that he hold firm against these attempts by the religious right to smear Jennings:

Dear Secretary Duncan,

We are thrilled that you have selected Kevin Jennings, founder of GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network), as the new Assistant Deputy Secretary of Education for the Department’s Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. This appointment is a tribute to Kevin’s many contributions to education and his commitment to the safety and well-being of all students.

Having worked in education for more than 20 years, first as a teacher and then as an advocate for student safety, Kevin has devoted his life to improving the educational environment for all of America's youth. His nearly 20 years of work with GLSEN has helped propel the issue of student safety to the forefront of education reform efforts, and we are delighted that he will be able to continue his groundbreaking work in this new capacity.

With gratitude,

I've already signed it. Please sign it too. We can't let the right impugn Jennings or the good work he has done for lgbt youth.

Other HB/HM posts on Kevin Jennings and the religious right:

The religious right thinks that character assasination is a Christian virtue

The war against Kevin Jennings - now it's getting pathetic

Attacks on Kevin Jennings sleazy, un-Christian

More right wing lunacy on Kevin Jennings courtesy of Kevin McCullough

More attacks on GLSEN'S Kevin Jennings - Now the Family Research Council gets in the act''

'Fistgate' and President Obama - religious right pushes a pitiful attempt of guilt by association

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