Monday, August 24, 2009

Anti-gay Peter LaBarbera proves 'trash is as trash does'

This weekend, "our friend" and reliable anti-gay crusader Peter LaBarbera seems to be on a tear about the bisexual community. On his Americans for Truth webpage (which is the biggest oxymoron in the history of the world), LaBarbera is focusing on the recent BiSummit, which was held downtown in Chicago in conjunction with the 2009 National LGBTI Health Summit.

The purpose of the summit was to "shed light on the alarming health disparities this large segment of the GLBT community faces."

Unfortunately, in the hands of LaBarbera, the information coming from the summit as well as the summit itself will be used to bash bisexuals and by extension, the lgbt community as a whole.

A perfect example is his absolutely ridiculous (I'm sorry but that's the word that comes to mind) interpretation of the following sentence:

The day began with an overview of the current research on bisexual health. Research shows that bisexual people—who make up about half of those who identify as GLB—face huge health disparities.

Now to LaBarbera, that sentence gives him license to put out this headline - Half of Homosexuals are Bisexual: Homosexual Newspaper.

It's a total inaccuracy that's only enhanced by his intentional omission of the passage that follows:

According to bisexual health researchers Cheryl Dobinson and Stewart Landers, compared to both gays, lesbians and heterosexuals, bisexuals report higher rates of alcohol and tobacco use, substance abuse, depression and anxiety, suicidal thoughts, physical and sexual abuse and self harm, among other issues.

With LaBarbera, it's not even funny anymore how he will distort information in his crusade against the lgbt community.

No doubt he will take other information from the summit and twist it to suit his purposes.

And it's sad that in the hands of a supposed Christian, information gathered to help a community will be used to hurt it.

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1 comment:

  1. Times like this I wish God did exist, and that he would zap lying scum like that in the backside each time they spewed garbage like that.
