Monday, August 03, 2009

A crazy black man interviews a crazy black woman, more on the Tel Aviv tragedy, and other Monday midday news briefs

Audio: Subjectively, we find 'ex-gay' odd; Objectively, we find 'ex-gay' otherwordly - I am going to say it and I don't care who gets offended - When two crazy black people get together, all you get is more crazy.

Police Say They Have A Lead in Tel Aviv Killings - I haven't been out of the loop so much that I didn't hear about this tragedy. I've already written a draft of something that I want to ask religious right groups.

Netanyahu condemns "horrific killing" at gay club. Israeli pols demand stop to anti-gay rhetoric - Amen. just Amen!

Judge Penny Brown: Black Church Should Be at Forefront of HIV/AIDS - Bet you won't see this item in the black media.

Another WingNutDaily Birther blooper: Kenya wasn't a republic until Dec. 1964 - Repeat after me - "The birthers are stupid and need Jesus!"

Census to Release Raw Marriage Data - Color me indifferent

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1 comment:

  1. Bill S2:54 PM

    Double your crazy, double your...crazy.
    Hey, two crazy WHITE people discussing LBGT issues has the same effect-just look at the "700 Club".
    I had no idea marriage equality was a stepping stone to being naked in public. Does that mean NOM's professed goal is just a stepping stone to making women wear burkas?
    Now that I think about it, it probably is. You know how much wingnuts project.
