Friday, August 21, 2009

Hateful Arizona pastor calls for execution of gays, President Obama, Barney Frank

This is Pastor Stephen Anderson from Arizona's Faithful Word Baptist Church. He doesn't particularly like gays and lesbians.

This sermon exposes the queers for what they really are. All examples of the queers in the Bible they are raping people. In Sodom & Gomorrah they wanted to rape the angels, right off the Ark Noah was raped by his queer son, etc... The truth is God hates the queers & the Bible makes it clear they are reprobates who have lost their chance to be saved.

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
The truth is our government should follow the Bible & enforce the death penalty for the queers & this world would be a much better place.

Now on this blog, I rarely talk about extreme nuts (such as Fred Phelps) who go about calling us names and such.

Usually, the point of this blog is to examine the intricate and covert ways religious right groups demonize the lgbt community.

But every now and then, I run across something that is so disturbing that I simply must post about it so as to make more people aware.

This man astounds me to the point of nausea.

And people wonder why lgbts sometimes seem to be too pushy or strident in pursuit of our rights. It's not just our rights that we are concerned about; it's our safety.

It really doesn't matter if he is speaking to an empty church or a full church. It doesn't matter if he is speaking to five people or five hundred people. What the hell is wrong with America when any nut can masquerade as a pastor?

This is the real "Gathering Storm," Maggie Gallagher.

And it's definitely food for thought the next time members of the religious right whine about "the gay agenda."

And just so you know, Anderson also called for the execution of President Obama and Congressman Barney Frank.

What he says about Barney Frank:

"The sodomites are recruiters and you know who they are after? Your children. They are being recruited by the sodomites. They are being molested by the sodomites. They recruit through rape, they recruit through molestation, they recruit through violation"

"Our country is run by faggots. You know who was the man who was the architect of the bailout? His name is Barney Frank, he is a pedophile..."

"That's who just sold our country into fascism. That's who just sold our corporations to the government. That's who sold out our country, a faggot!"

What he says about President Obama because his stance on reproductive freedom:

"God Hates Barack Obama, I hate Barack Obama. I hate Him. God wants me to Hate Barack Obama." "Someone who commits murder should get the death penalty."

The standard for being a Christian in America seems to be low these days.

A BIG hat tip to Pam Spaulding and Jeremy from for their covering this awful man and his nonsense and for supplying me with information.

Log onto their sites if you want more information about him. Have your barf bag in hand.

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  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Pastor Anderson provides a great argument for why his book really has no relevance on the issue of homosexuality. Pity he doesn't realize it as he's making it clear. OK, I'm gonna go puke now.

  2. Bill S7:43 AM

    I always say the passages of the Bible that encourage people to kill each other are proof that it's not the literal word of God. No God worth praising anyway.

  3. As information I would strongly suggest that everyone read my diary post over at PHB concerning this nutbag.

    what a bogus phony

  4. How large is this pastor's congregation? My guess and hope is that it isn't large enough to fill a small hamburger fast food joint. This world is full of a lot idiots.

  5. With all his shouting and screaming and gesticulating you’d think Hitler taught him public speaking.

  6. Anonymous1:11 PM

    This hateful man, must be so insecure that he feels the rest of us feel a sense that we are making progress in fairness, openlness and inclusion. Can you imagine what he will say when Arizona grants same sex marriages? Allow gays in the Military, and actually outlaw torture?
    I think his church is located in the same town that would not give President Obama a honary degree when he gave the commencement speech citing Obama record was short of achievements? That was the official reasom given.
    Actually this guys words could be regarded as violence. What are the gun laws in Arizona. Maybe we should stay out of the state.
