Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Andre Bauer's supporters attack gay rumors, NARTH gets slammed, and other Wednesday midday news briefs

Bauer on defense after blog post makes bold claim - SC Lt. Governor Andre Bauer's friends and supporters cry foul over rumor that he is gay.

Iowa groups file formal complaint against National Organization for Marriage - Slowly the noose will tighten around the neck of NOM.

NOM made Iowa House race a test on marriage equality -- and NOM lost - How nice. More noose tightening.

Researcher Blasts NARTH Official for “Blatant Misquotation” - Well this perks up my day a little.

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1 comment:

  1. In defense of Bauer, the blogger who has made the accusation needs to provide proof or retract his statement. I could not care less if Bauer is gay or not. I just don't like the man.
