Thursday, September 24, 2009

The dishonesty of some in Maine, possible AIDS vaccine, and other Thursday midday news briefs

Lies never change unless we stop them.

AIDS breakthrough as vaccine cuts infections - No big cause for celebration yet but hopefully we are close.

Huckabee and Five Members of Congress Will Attend Radical Right Wing Conference - People for the American Way have picked up on this bizarre happening. And I would advise all lgbts read what the organization has to say about this. We may get angry at President Obama as we should be. But never forget the alternative because it's scaary as hell.

Coming Out in Middle School - The children coming out of the closet these days are getting younger.

Muslim Prayer Rally Sets Off a Full-Blown Right Wing Crusade - From the Department of "See, I Told You That The Religious Right Are Hypocrites" comes news of what they really think of prayer. It's okay for them to do it but not for anyone of another religion.

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1 comment:

  1. one of the main benefits of this new AIDS vaccination break through is all the hope it will give to the millions who are affected by this condition
