List of witnesses for tomorrow's ENDA hearing - This list of witnesses is very interesting. I'm almost disappointed in the witnesses/witness who will be speaking against ENDA.
Referendum 71 opponents use divorcees as poster children and insist they're not about hate - My God. Opponents of Washington's domestic partnership law actually used Ozzie and Harriet Nelson in their flyer. And then they pulled a deception about social science studies that claim to say that children suffer from not being in a home with a mother and a father. None of those studies even looked at same sex households.
They who remedy boo-boos are now working to prevent a historical one - Maine pediatricians stand for equality.
Judge Jerry Buchmeyer (1933-2009)- Just who is Judge Jerry Buchmeyer you ask? Why one of the greatest men in the world. He verbally bitchslapped discredited researcher Paul Cameron in court.
Ariz. Slashes Partner Benefits for 800 Workers - This is just wrong.
Census releases data on same-sex marriages for the first time in history - But on the flipside, this is good news.
Judge Jerry Buchmeyer, appointed to the federal bench by Jimmy Carter, was a great progressive and a brave man. He did more than any other single person to desegregate public housing in Dallas, among other achievements.