Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Religious right fears 'safe schools' act and other Wednesday midday news briefs

This is how it's done! No on 1's response ad to yesterday's monstrosity.

'Safe schools' act - a misnomer? - One News Now and religious right head are scared of national anti-bullying bill.

Ohio House Passes Non-Discrimination Bill - yet another bit of good news!

Former President Carter charges racism is behind Wilson's - and teabagger/birther - outbursts - and for those crying "there THEY go with the race card again," Pam Spaulding compiles a list of incidents that have taken place which backs up Carter's assertions. Own your bigotry, teabaggers!

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  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Hypocrisy: the repug belief that every horrid thing they do is immediately reciprocated by the left hence any behavior is acceptable as long as it can be the dems fault.

  2. I wouldn't call Ohio's news "good" yet. The state senate is heavily Republican-dominated. We can only hope the R's there are not bigots, but I'm not holding my breath.
