Sunday, October 25, 2009

Attacks on Kevin Jennings get uglier

Don't let this picture get you too angry.

It's indicative of the desperation of an ugly smear campaign.

One could say that for the majority of folks, the Kevin Jennings story is dying down (unfortunately, that doesn't include Fox News - pan down for more details).

But don't tell that to the assorted crazies on the far right who are determined to keep pushing the "Kevin Jennings is the boogeyman" line.

The picture on the left merely indicates the depths that some people, who claim to be concerned for the welfare of America's children, are stooping to.

No doubt it's probably something you are aware of already regarding the mindsets of a lot of the anti-Kevin Jennings crowd, but there is nothing wrong with repeating the point so as to keep those folks from putting on their phony cloaks of respectability.

The picture is only one of the few things I found on various right-wing sites taking the guise of "sarcasm."
Other things I found include:

In honor of Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings: HANSEN!!! - An ugly way to connect Jennings to NAMBLA yet again.

Top 10 Kevin Jennings Pick Up Lines - Trust me when I say you don't want to read this list. The inane mindset of this site is best demonstrated by another graphic on it comparing Obama to the Holocaust by evoking images of health care reform being the "Final Solution" (for those of you who aren't up on history, The Final Solution was the name given to the Nazi plan of extermination of Jewish people).
Take it from me - it won't do any good arguing points with some of these people. But there is nothing wrong with keep their ugliness in mind.
They are good reasons why Jennings must stay where he is in the Obama Administration and why we must continue to support him.
UPDATE - Apparently Sean Hannity has no problem with using the research of a hate group in his latest anti-Kevin Jennings smear.
It's simply par for the course for him.
Related posts:
Massachusetts hate group behind attack on Kevin Jennings' character
Sean Hannity smears Kevin Jennings, but suddenly HE is the victim?

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  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Don't forget that in researching pro-Family groups you discuss the the high levels of HIV transmission, pedophilia, domestic violence and suicide rates among the 'gay' community.

    Lets face it, when you guys targeted the Mormons out in California, the Evangelicals in Michigan following the last election, you guys showed how violent and messed up you truly are.

  2. That comment was hilarious seeing that I have talked about those things many times. let me recap:

    there is no high level of pedophilia or domestic violence in the lgbt community.

    there has been research that showed that the levels of HIV and suicide rates in the lgbt community is not indicative of the lgbt orientation BUT the effects of having to deal with a homophobic society. It's interesting that on occasion, when the religious right have used studies to make points about the rates of HIV and suicide in the lgbt community, they always seem to omit the part of the research placing the blame on homophobia. In the case Elizabeth Saewyc and Theo Sandfort, both researchers have gone on record complaining about the distortion of their work.

    Here is a link that you may find interesting -

    Now about the Mormons in California, I don't condone any violence that happened on any side of that issue. However you have got the situation twisted. The Mormons targeted lgbts. The backlash against the Mormon church (and I don't mean any backlash of a violent nature)is something they deserved.

    They came into California with their money butting into an issue. This was their right but now they have to deal with the consequences of a bad image.

    As far as Michigan, I don't know anything about that. But any acts of a violent nature on either side of the aisle is not condoned in the least.

  3. And one more thing I forgot to mention.

    It is your right call religious right groups "pro-family," but it is also my right to tell you that they are not. They don't support lgbt families and lgbt families are just as good as heterosexual families. Studies back THAT up too, you know.

    Any group which tries to impose a caste system on families are not only not pro-family, they are anti-American.

  4. “Don't forget that in researching pro-Family groups you discuss the the high levels of HIV transmission, pedophilia, domestic violence and suicide rates among the 'gay' community.”

    Don’t forget that in the same sentence you put “pro-family” and “high levels of HIV transmission, pedophilia, domestic violence and suicide rates.”
    “Lets face it, when you guys targeted the Mormons out in California,”

    Those poor, poor Mormons for not anticipating a backlash.

    “the Evangelicals in Michigan following the last election, you guys showed how violent and messed up you truly are.”


  5. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Emporph proof:

    Here you go. Violent homosexuals who can't take 'no' for an answer.

  6. Bash Back? Forgive me for laughing. The reason why it was ignored because no one cares about a below bottom feeding wannabe revolutionary group of pseudo gay activists.

    What's next, anonymous? Are you going to count the number of black men in jail to make a case on how violent African-Americans are?

    or how about using history to make the case that all forms of Christianity involved violence and intolerance.

    What you are talking about is scapegoating. The only people who care about Bash Back are Bash Back and people like yourself looking for a reason to justify their homophobia.
