Monday, October 05, 2009

Chicago lost Olympics because of the HOMOSEXUALS and other Monday midday news briefs

Hartline: the Olympics bypassed Chicago because of the homosexualist anti-Christ spirit - Well that explains everything.

Raped trans woman 'harassed in public and on the internet' - This should not happen. period.

Obama to Speak at HRC Dinner on Eve of National Equality March - Email announcing lgbt protest about this event (and making sure to talk crap about HRC) in T-Minus 10 . . 9 . . 8 . .

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    5 bucks says when they catch the jackass who's been HARASSING A RAPE VICTIM he's gonna say she's 'immoral' and 'sick'. How anyone can try to justify this is beyond me.
