Friday, November 20, 2009

Know your lgbt history - Boys Beware

 Editor's note - I inaccurately included another silly "educational" film, Girls Beware into this entry. It had nothing to do with the lgbt community. Since alerted to that fact, I eliminated it out of this post.

Throughout the years, the lgbt community has had to deal with being portrayed in some of the most offensive manners.

The "educational" film, Boys Beware  is probably one of the most egregious.

The film, created in 1961 by Sid Davis Productions (Davis portrays the "homosexual pedophile murderer) plays out like an Anita Bryant Twilight Zone dream. It features lgbts as predatory monsters out to take the innocence of children in a manner that leaves nothing (absolutely nothing, not a single solitary thing) to the imagination.

Nowadays this film may seem funny except for the fact that there are some people who still believe these awful lies about lgbts.

And let's not forget how much damage this film did to the psyche of young and old lgbts back in the day in which they were made.

Past Know Your LGBT History postings:

Know your lgbt history - The Boondocks

Know your lgbt history - Mannequin

Know your lgbt history - The Warriors

Know Your LGBT History - New York Undercover

Know Your LGBT History - Low Down Dirty Shame

Know Your LGBT History - Fortune and Men's Eyes

Know your lgbt history - California Suite

Know your lgbt history - Taxi (Elaine's Strange Triangle)

Know your lgbt history - Come Back Charleston Blue

Know your lgbt history - James Bond goes gay

Know your lgbt history - Windows

Know your lgbt history - To Wong Foo and Priscilla

Know your lgbt history - Blazing Saddles

Know your lgbt history - Sanford and Son

Know your lgbt history - In Living Color

Know your lgbt history - Cleopatra Jones and her lesbian drug lords

Know your lgbt history - Norman, Is That You?

Know your lgbt history - The 'Exotic' Adrian Street

Know your lgbt history - The Choirboys

Know your lgbt history - Eddie Murphy

Know your lgbt history - The Killing of Sister George

Know your lgbt history - Hanna-Barbera cartoons pushes the 'gay agenda

'Know your lgbt history - Cruising

Know your lgbt history - Foxy Brown and Cleopatra Jones

Know your lgbt history - I Got Da Hook Up

Know your lgbt history - Fright Night

Know your lgbt history - Flowers of Evil

The Jeffersons and the transgender community

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  1. Christopher™2:34 PM

    Actually, "Girls Beware" doesn't have anything to do with LGBT people whatsoever. It's all about straight men as murderous, sexual aggressors.

    "Boys Beware" *does* deal with homosexuality, but its fatal flaw is that it considers homosexuality and pedophilia to be the same thing. And it portrays all gay men as sexual predators.

    If "Boys Beware" was accurately profiling pedophiles only, its advice wouldn't be half bad. But because it doesn't, I can't imagine what gay boys at that time were made to think about themselves.

  2. Thank you Christopher for catching that. I made the change. Next time remind me not to post while on medication for a head cold. LOL

  3. I have a copy of "Boys Beware". One part that was weird is that supposedly the first boy victim portrayed was given probation at the end of the scene.

    Probation?!, I thought. For what?!

    Then I remembered the universal sodomy laws of the time. Sad that a victim of a pedophile was viewed as a criminal.

    Ahhh. The 50's. Doesn't everyone wish we could go back to that time, just like the Religious Right wants us to do?

  4. I'm not sure whether to laugh at the ridiculousness of the video, or cry at the fact that people still believe this bull.
