Friday, November 27, 2009

Phony moralists show true colors with anti-Adam Lambert group

This Adam Lambert controversy is ridiculous - that's my take on it.

But some other folks are taking it very seriously. For example, there is a new facebook group called 1,000,000 to File an FCC Obscenity Complaint Against Adam Lambert!

Now these folks are shocked! Simply shocked about Adam Lamber's behavior at the American Music Awards. And they are so shocked that apparently they seem to want to be more shocking. Or at least more obscene than they think Lambert was. That is the gist one gets based on their comments, some which are below along with a little commentary by my humble self:

YAY! Good Morning America just CANCELLED Adam Lamberts scheduled performance due to the OUTRAGE from REAL families who make up the MAJORITY of their viewers! So SCREW YOU LAMBERT LOVIN HOMO'S! (I know. The "REAL families" comment unnerved me too. But not more than this person's ignorance. She failed to mention that CBS quickly snatched Lambert up, allowed him to perform, AND gave him a platform to comment about the controversy)

I just emailed ABC to let them know I filed an Obscenity complaint with the FCC and that my family and I will no longer buy their advertisers products or services and we will not watch ABC ever again if they continue this pro-homosexual agenda in their programming! (Well damn. She is on to us.)

 Hollywood is pretty much all a bunch of homo's spreading their gay ideaology while hatin on Christians! (It's awful to be insulted by someone who can neither spell nor is aware of the basics of good punctuation) 

I just got 12 more people to file an online complaint with the FCC against Adam Lambert for his obscene performance. I hope ABC get fined $50,000,000 for trying to shove the homosexual lifestyle onto our kids! These sick bastards! (That's right. Every child whose parents allow them to stay up late enough to watch television shows should be protected . . . but from whom)

And here is a favorite of mine. It is an answer back to a comment from someone calling the group out:

you have a real deep seated hatred towards Christians, where you raped by a priest? Is that why you hate Christians so much?

And why pick on just Adam Lambert:  

Lady Gaga is a hermaphrodite (a chick with a DICK)! EWWWW! I will NOT be buying any of her albums or going to any of shim's concerts either! The same goes for that nasty fag Adam Lambert! 

So some people think that the appropriate way to hinder supposed obscenity is to engage in some of it themselves.  After this group is finished attacking Lambert for his actions, someone needs to call them out on theirs.

(Editor's note - Those comments were from the other day . Anyone venturing over to the site now would find a hilarious tug-of-war battle of comments between those who agree with the purpose of the group and those who think that the group is just plain silly.)

Now some may accuse me of unfairly publicizing this group but I don't see it that way. It's my belief that any chance we get to shine a light on how ignorant folks are regarding lgbts is a chance we should take full advantage of.

I don't know if this group will be successful. Maybe religious right groups will hook up with them, maybe the organizers will get a prime spot on Hannity or O'Reilly. Who knows and who cares.

But I say when those who claim to oppose you make themselves look ignorant, don't be so quick to break up the performance.

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1 comment:

  1. Can I file an FCC complaint on those commentors? The apostrophe abuse alone is obscene.
