Saturday, November 07, 2009

Presenting the most stereotypically gay anti-government video EVER

The following video is courtesy of Youth Revolution, which calls itself:

The Voice of a Christian Generation

The group's webpage goes on to say:

Teens and “20 something’s” are on the frontlines of every cultural battle raging today, from secularism in schools to seductive advertising, and social networking to political correctness. Youth Revolution works through the church and youth ministries to better prepare them, through education, training and opportunity to make a difference for Christ in this momentous time.

Apparently this video comes from their efforts. It's a VERY INTERESTING take on how evil the government is by using the same old talking points of how it unfairly taxes people and steals their money.

But with a twist:

Actually VERY INTERESTING is an overstatement. This video is gayer than a drag queen doing a rendition of the number Rose's Turn from Gypsy (don't laugh. I know it by heart.)

According to Pam's House Blend:

YR's Executive Director is none other than Russell Johnson, Director of Governmental Affairs for the Focus on the Family/Family Research Council affiliate Family Policy of Institute of Washington. This is the local organization that helped funnel over $200,000 of James Dobson's Colorado money into Washington's Referendum 71 campaign.

I'm guessing that the star of the video, Tim Hawkins, probably feels that despite the criticisms he is sure to receive, there is no such thing as bad press.

Of course he doesn't because he has his web address plastered at the end of the video.

Maybe or maybe not, but to quote actor Will Smith in Men in Black:


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  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    If conservatives were serious about they "taxes is stealing" stance, I say we let them run with it. Every conservative must register as an objector and then cannot use any tax-supported governmental service. No police, no fire fighters, no EMS service, no hospitals, no schools, no roads, no sidewalks, no courts, no food (subsidized by the government), no petroleum or electricity (also subsidized) and so on. They should be required to show their identification on request indicating they're objectors, and their vehicles tagged to indicate the same. If they do violate their stance, they should be charged and actually get to use two of the government provided services, the court and the prison, where they can be thrown for a few years for theft of government services.

  2. Bill S12:42 PM

    What better way to reach teens and 20-somethings than with a cheesy parody of an old Sammy Davis Jr. record, performed by an aging chorus boy?

  3. I'm with Anonymous. And while we're at it, let's get rid of the biggest tax leech; the churches. They pay no property taxes, their clergy get an allowance for their personal homes, they now get "Faith Based Funding" from the government and more. Imagine how much we'd save by not subsidizing them.
