Monday, December 14, 2009

Uganda's 'Kill the gays' bill brings out the nuts in America

Youtube is fascinating.

Andy Warhol once said that in the future, everyone would be famous for at least 15 minutes. And youtube makes it possible because any Tom, Dick, and in this case, dumbass can post a clip and get attention.

Sometimes these clips should be ignored.

Then there clips like this one. It's from a man who calls himself mrpleasantpreacher. Now according to mrpleasantpreacher, the United States could learn a lot from Uganda's anti-gay bill or it's commonly known, "Kill the gays" bill:

This man's sentiment isn't something that should be kicked aside by putting on a "Lada GaGa" record, twittering your friends, laughing at him, or whatever else our community does to blind us to the reality that some folks not only just don't like us but are willing to impede our social progress every chance they get.

As ugly as this man's words are, they gives our community a true picture of how some folks view us. No subtlety, no beating around the bush. None of that "it's not that I hate gay people, but I just hate when they (fill in the blanks)" phoniness which we witnessed last week (and probably will this week) with the attacks on Kevin Jennings.

When you eliminate all of the phony nuances (whether they be about "protecting the children" or "protecting traditional values") and the disguise of "Biblical truth," we are talking about pure unadulterated hatred here.

And none of us, whether we be lgbts, allies, or even those who the right who don't support lgbt rights, should ever forget that.

UPDATE - Apparently expressing the idea of shipping all lgbts (or as our friends puts it - sodomites) to Calfornia and putting a huge electrified fence around the state gets your video knocked off of youtube. Who knew?

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  1. Mykelb8:37 AM

    Comments I left on his youtube video:

    mykelb Your BuyBull is nothing but a putrid, rancid, fallacious bunch of fantasy stories created to keep ignorant fucks like you paying money to preachers.
    mykelb Christ is a mythological creature and god is a societal construct. Nothing more, nothing less. All of the religious are deluded and live in a fantasy world.

  2. Aww I wanted to see some homophobic action, they always make me laugh at their absolute ignorance... or scream at the monitor because of their disgusting hateful ways, depends on my mood.

    But youtube removed the video, ah well guess it's better than it sitting on youtube to be seen. But the guy in the image... he looks familiar, I swear I saw him at a Vermont testimony for marriage equality.

    I think he said something like... "I was raped by a gay man, if Gays can adopt and gays can get married, but once they divorce, it's only a matter of time before they force themselves onto children" or something like that. That person certainly made the halls scream shockingly XD
