Friday, December 18, 2009

What the heck is a 'Homo-Tom' anyway? and other Friday midday news briefs

Kaufman at Huff Post: misguided race-based rant on LGBT rights -- and 'Homo-Toms' - Pam Spaulding handles her business in an answer back to a Huffington Post piece.

Ugandan Pastor Responds To Rick Warren’s Statement; Revives “Forced Therapy” Option - Oh yeah. That's much better. Thanks a lot for the sour persimmons.

UPDATED: The Jennings smear = the latest right-wing "scandal" to flop in the mainstream - Just what is the deal with these liars and "fisting" anyway?

Newsweek prediction: Obama Does Nada on Gay Rights in 2010 - When pragmatism bumps up against the desire for progress, it's never pretty. I am hoping that this prediction will be wrong.

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