Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Cliff Kincaid: Outcry against Ugandan bill a conspiracy to save Kevin Jennings

Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media knows who to blame for the recent controversy over the Ugandan anti-gay bill:

the media and Obama appointee Kevin Jennings:

. . . the controversy over Jennings, which had been growing since his appointment in May, has been skillfully deflected by some journalists and commentators who have been attacking the government of Uganda for considering a law that would toughen laws against homosexual behavior that threatens public health and children. "Uganda wants to execute people for being gay," lesbian commentator Rachel Maddow asserted on her MSNBC program on December 2. She called it the "kill-the-gays bill" and demanded that Christians in the U.S. denounce it.

Jumping on the story, the New York Times has claimed the bill would "impose a death sentence for homosexual behavior."

These claims are flat-out disinformation.

Dr. Scott Lively, who visited Uganda in March of 2009 to encourage efforts to protect traditional family values, says the proposed death penalty in the bill, just one of many provisions, is for "aggravated homosexuality," which is actually pederasty, pedophilia, homosexual parent/child incest, homosexual abuse of a disabled ward, and knowingly spreading AIDS. Dr. Lively is the author of The Pink Swastika and the president of Abiding Truth Ministries.

 So "aggravated homosexuality" is actually pederasty, pedophilia, and knowingly spreading AIDS? Thanks for the clarification.

I don't know if Kincaid  and Lively realize it or not, but their attempts to explain  the bill gives us more insight into the blatant homophobia which led to its creation.

Pederasty, pedophilia, or knowingly spreading AIDS are awful things in themselves, but who in the hell would conflate them with homosexuality?

And so that no one misconstrues the point of his piece,  Kincaid really breaks down what he means:

It would appear that the purpose of the orchestrated controversy over the proposed law in Uganda is to divert attention from the real scandal involving Obama Education Department official Kevin Jennings and his praise for the founder of the modern gay rights movement, Harry Hay, a supporter of adult-child sex.

Kincaid is referring to an old fake controversy where some members of the right were claiming that Jennings advocated pedophilia since he praised Harry Hay,founding father of the gay rights movement who later voiced support for NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association).

But Jennings only praised Hay for his early work in gay rights. He never gave one word of support about Hay's unfortunate lapse of judgement in supporting NAMBLA.

All in all, Kincaid offers no proof of this conspiracy to use the Ugandan anti-gay bill to deflect attention away from Jennings.

I think he fished it out of the air. If he did, it wouldn't be the first time his organization, AIM, created phony stories. Last December, AIM had to retract a post from its webpage which inaccurately accused Jennings of being a pedophile.

That in itself should be enough for any reasonable person to take this latest piece of garbage by Kincaid for the lies that it is.

But what really gets me is the bizarre attempt to connect the anti-gay Ugandan bill to the attacks on Jennings.
Kincaid in essence is saying that there is a conspiracy to unfairly demonize Uganda in order to take attention away from Jennings.

Just like some members of the right have said that Jennings himself is plotting to "teach children" about gay sex.

Just like Scott Lively and others in Uganda claimed that gays were plotting to rape children.

Just like other members of the right in this country have accused lgbts of plotting to destroy families by via various endeavors.

Isn't that always how it's done? Blame a group of people for the supposed ills of society, pick out a few illogical points of argument, and then watch the mess unfold.

At what point do we stop taking these phony claims seriously and start taking a critical look at those making these claims? Or at least call a medical professional to help them deal with their paranoia regarding lgbts?

The scariest thing about Kincaid's hot mess of a column is that it is part one in a series.

What he is going to do in the second piece? Accuse Jennings of kidnapping the Lindbergh baby with complicity from lgbts in Uganda?

The fact that Kincaid wrote this piece reminds me of the proverb: It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

If I am ever lucky to meet Kincaid face-to-face, my first words to him will be "hello fool."

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  1. Bill S2:25 PM

    Dumbest Conspiracy Theory Ever.

  2. I linked to your blog from RightWingWatch. Good post. You know folks know they are grasping at straws to establish a point when they use lies to justify their actions. The religious fundamentalists knew exactly what they were trying to accomplish in Uganda, but when it was discovered that they were up to no good, they decided to lay the blame at someone else's feet. I'm a heterosexual female, and I support full constitutional rights for everyone. I really appreciate Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann for the fine work they do in exposing these hatemongers.

  3. Anonymous2:04 AM

    In response to morb329, I'd like to add to that the founder of Accuracy in Media the late Reed Irvine was also a complete idiot just like his friend Cliff Kincaid who along with Kincaid often tried to paint gay people as child molesters or tried to prove the myth and lie that "homomosexuals molest children at higher rates than heterosexuals":

