Thursday, January 28, 2010

Florida anti-gay adoption law dying a slow death? and other Thursday midday news briefs

Oh yeah. Opposition to LGBT equality is ALL ABOUT THE LOVE!

Hat tip to and the New Civil Rights Movement for the picture

Ruling a third strike against Florida's gay adoption ban - While ruminating over Don't Ask, Don't Tell and marriage equality, let's not forget this VERY important issue.

Polis Introduces Youth Protection Bill - Again, another issue that shouldn't be neglected.

Because you never know what 'right' he will seek next - These phony experts seem to be "testifying" everywhere.

'Don't say gay' bills deferred to senate committee - These bills are archaic. How did we miss talking about them?

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  1. Is that guy a Satanist too? He has an upside-down cross on the back of his truck.

  2. It's a measure of the SNAFU-mentality that it is unable to recognize that we are already fighting wars with fags and Muslims in our uniform. Now the real question is whether or not the whole damned enterprise is worth doing, and dying for.
