Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What does Britt Hume think about Pat Robertson?

Someone tell me again why Britt Hume feels persecuted for the fallout via his comments to Tiger Woods. Christianity doesn't look good with spokespeople like Pat Robertson hogging up the spotlight.

Related posts:

Cliff Kincaid, Britt Hume, and the descent of Christianity

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  1. Why does he keep talking? Just... why?

  2. Shawna, are you channeling the thoughts of the woman at his side while he was making those comments? LOL

  3. Bill S4:52 PM

    Pat Robertson is, and always has been, a completely loathsome human being.

  4. My respect for Fox News just went up 1 point... to bad it's still deeply below 0.

    and I hate Pat Robertson and I mean hate. What a disgusting individual.

  5. Mykelb7:42 PM

    Pat Robertson and his followers are so far up Jesus' butt they cannot understand that a myhological creature cannot shift the earth's tectonic plates.
