Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why are the 'moral values' groups silent about Ugandan anti-gay bill?

This morning's post about Peter LaBarbera, Robert Knight, and the Ugandan anti-gay bill is significant because other than Knight and LaBarbera, the religious right have been conveniently silent about the bill.

I half expected Matt Barber to spin some illogical nonsense about it but even he has been silent.

I think he may have spent too much capital on that feud with Exodus International, the one where he aligned himself with LaBarbera and embarrassed all parties involved, including his employer, the Liberty Counsel.

But I find it so conspicuous that these "moral values " groups in the middle of the fundraising, organizing conferences to "take back America," and huge prayer telecasts couldn't take a little time out of their busy schedules of phony doom prognosticating to give even one, albeit transparent, comment about the situation in Uganda.

How far has Christianity in this country sunk that the supposed leaders of the "moral believers of Christ" will not comment on a prospective genocide.

But who am I kidding? The religious right on the whole have been silent about Uganda for the same reason that the Liberty Counsel has been silent about the Janet Jenkins/Lisa Miller custody case.

They don't want people to be reminded that they are in part responsible for it.

It's their rhetoric and talking points about lgbts which the proponents of this bill are spouting. It was their people (i.e. Scott Lively, etc) who came over to Uganda and spread stories about "evil gays" hurting children.

And now like a cartoon character who causes a huge accident and then walks away from it whistling nonchalantly with his hands in his pockets, organizations like Concerned Women for America, the Family Research Council, the American Family Assocation, and others like them are quietly disassociating themselves from this mess that they helped to create by keeping silent.

Keep it up, guys. You won't get away scott free.

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  1. "You won't get away scott free." Yes, they will; they always do.

  2. No they won't. Good always triumphs sooner or later. lol

  3. They'll ignore it as best they can. If called on it they'll pretend they're being persecuted much the same way the existence of the Hate Crimes Bill persecutes them. Only in the minds of the RRRW would an executioner be a victim.
