Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Free Republic freak out over Sorba-GOProud feud

I went on the right-wing Free Republic site to get opinions on Sen. Lieberman's decision to introduce a bill repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

Believe it or not, there was only one article with very few comments about Lieberman. The bulk of articles (14 at last count) centered on the recent controversy regarding Ryan Sorba of California Young Americans for Freedom condemning CPAC for allowing gay Republican group GOProud to attend and how he got booed from the stage:

Some comments from the wolves include:

I knew this was going to be bad news when the homosexual group GOProud started crowing about their mission to normalize the gay lifestyle. They have been quite open about wanting to introduce homosexuality into the armed forces and legitimize male/male 'marriages'. Only a few years ago, this would have been considered insanity. But we have become so desensitized to PC bs that now we are supposed to embrace it. God help our country if this is where the culture is headed.

I’ve notices on uptick of pro-gay “conservatives” in the last few days. It seems they want to infiltrate everything and destroy it. What’s worse is that as soon as they feel somewhat comfortable, this scum start making fun of social conservatives.

Ever notice how homosexuals usurp beautiful things from life and apply them as euphemisms for deviant behavior? The Rainbow, a symbol of God’s promise to Noah.
The word “gay”. Now “fudge”? Unacceptable. I love fudge and it is time we have draw the line. The F in FPAC more appropriately stands for “Fecal” . I’m sorry for being so crass but enough is enough.

Like all cases of homosexuals and pedophile rapists, you know that enforcing PC and killing the rape victim is a synonymous behavior.

That’s it. CPAC is now under control of leftard bloggers. Right after they let in GOProud, it was game over.

I am sure that the audience was salted with sodomites and their friends. Unfortunately, the sodomite lifestyle is full of pathologies, including their sex practices,drug and alcohol abuse, tendencies toward violence, grotesque promiscuity, lifestyle induced epidemic levels of STDs, obsession with having sex in public restrooms, public parks, and highway rest stops, and their sexual interest in children and adolescents. Media, sodomite advocacy groups, government agencies, and academia are trying to suppress or falsify information about these things, but you would have expected something better from CPAC than to treat the sodomites as if they are just another special interesat group in their hypothetical “Big Conservative Tent”.

The butt-poker who wrote the blog very liberally, pun intented, uses stock liberal words and phrases to confront Mr. Sorba. When the butt-pokers stop trying to set up their cruising farm-team by trying to sexualize 5 year-olds in our schools, I might cut them some slack.

Kick the fags out. They have a party - the other one.

No matter how bad I feel, I can always count on the folks at Free Republic to make me feel morally superior.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Yeah, "we" appropriated the word fudge. Like we ruined faggot. Moronic.
