Friday, February 05, 2010

Florida 'pro-family' group offers 'apology' for picture and other Friday midday news briefs

Stemberger: Wrong pics of gay couple was ‘mistake’ - Organization responsible for posting a rude picture of lesbian couple (see earlier post) issues an "apology." Scott Maxwell of the Orlando Sentinel sees it for the distortion that it is. This column is almost better than the first one.

Iowa Republicans Want To Exclude LGBTQ Students From Safe Schools Law - South Carolina, meet your twin.

Bronze Star recipient Benjamin Ford, accused in West Side gay bashing, is stripped of rank - A gay basher gets what he deserves.

RedState's Erickson brings conservatives' witch hunt to HRC's Knox - HRC's Harry Knox being jumped for his comments about the Pope.

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  1. Mistake my backside. FFPC knew full well that picture of two attractive women would garner at least a bit of sympathy despite all of their nasty anti-gay rhetoric. So they purposely published the picture of the men to give people visions of "OMG this is where poor innocent orphans are going to end up!!!". They're scum, nothing less.

  2. Anonymous3:56 PM

    They're only "apologizing" because it's clearly actionable defamation.
