Thursday, February 25, 2010

Media Matters releases THE definitive debunking of DADT distortions

Media Matters recently released an excellent report debunking the myths and falsehoods spread about Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

I am publishing part of the report which features the distortions. Click on each distortion to see read the truth behind the lie:

MYTH: Don't Ask, Don't Tell is working

MYTH: Repeal would undermine morale and unit cohesion

MYTH: Military experts oppose the repeal of DADT

MYTH: The public does not support repeal of DADT

MYTH: Right-wing attacks on DADT repeal are not anti-gay

MYTH: DADT repeal would adversely affect retention 

MYTH: Experience of other nations aren't relevant because "nobody counts on" their armies

MYTH: Only progressives support the repeal of DADT

MYTH: DADT repeal would expose servicemembers to greater HIV risk

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