Monday, February 08, 2010

Religious right trying to divide black, gay communities (again) and other Monday midday news briefs

Hate Crimes Protection for Gays Is "Demeaning [to] the Black Community" - The old game of "divide and conquer." The religious right could care less about the lgbt or black communities.

Weird how far-right turns all of prez's LGBT picks into 'bigots'. Funny how that works, huh? - Anatomy of a religious right distortion.

Potomac students get fliers saying therapy turns gays straight - Don't be so quick to dance for joy, PFOX. This is a victory for lgbt clubs and organizations also. If you can distribute your lying fliers, then lgbt friendly ones can distribute THEIR truthful ones.

Military Times poll shows sharp decline in support for DADT - Slowly but surely, DADT is going out the door.

Harold Ford Jr. Rejects the ‘Ex-Gay’ Myth in Maureen Dowd Column - We ain't falling for your pro-lgbt semblance, Mr. Ford. But it's nice to hear you kowtow.

Gay African-American becomes first to garner Oscar nomination - Article gets it wrong. Paul Winfield, who received a nomination in 1972 for Best Actor (Sounder) was the first. But it's good that Daniels is getting attention.

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1 comment:

  1. If you're intersted in taking action around this issue, check out this petition on
