Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Congratulations D.C.!

Stuff like this always gives me hope for the future. We are going to win this fight:

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  1. *does a happy dance*

  2. WE will win our civil rights it's just a matter of when.

    The train has left the station!

  3. Alvin McEwen, I have been perusing your site for the last couple of days and I must say that you are no joke and I must have been hiding under a rock not to have seen or heard about your body of work. I see that you have a spirit of excellence and I am Godly proud to know that there is someone of color proclaiming the unadulterated truth on this subject matter;especially the truth that you share about the hypocrisy in the African American Community and in the African American Religious community concerning LGBT equality and spiritual/religious rights. I have now bookmarked your site.

    Please be encouraged to keep on keeping on.

  4. My friend, THANK YOU SO MUCH for those kind words. Comments like yours make it all worthwhile. Let's keep in touch ;p
