Friday, March 05, 2010

Gay KKK - Funny or offensive?

This is a short clip but I want your opinion on it. Is it funny or offensive?(I'm embarrassed to say that I laughed my head off).

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  1. I chuckled a bit. I also think there's an interesting point buried in there. It touches on the whole absurdity of racists and bigots as "kind, compassionate people." The clip shows that any perceived difference between "nicely" asking "have you considered going back to Africa" and just coming right out and shouting "Go back to Africa!" is ultimately nonsense once you really think about it.

    So yeah, I liked it. And I think there's a goldmine of ideas waiting to be explored in that short little clip.

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    You forgot my favorite part of the sketch:

  3. It was actually both funny and offensive.

  4. The only offence for me is the fact that, once again, a gay character is shown to be a "flamer."

  5. It plays into an old narrative of homosexuality being a "white disease." I would call that reductionist and offensive.

    But funny, sure. Streetfight was funny, too.

  6. I feel so dirty for laughing at that. I think it's brilliant!
