Monday, March 01, 2010

Martin Ssempa celebrates his homophobia via a blog

I have trepidations with posting this mostly because I fear how some of us would behave. But it's a item which needs to be made public.

From Truth Wins Out comes the news that Martin Ssempa is blogging.

For those unfamiliar with that name, Ssempa is one of the main supporters of that awful "kill the gays" bill in Uganda.

Recently, Ssempa has been trying to drum up support for the bill in the face of international condemnation. He has even been reduced to showing porn in churches:

A pastor seeking to bolster Uganda's anti-gay laws which already make homosexuality punishable by life imprisonment screened gay porn in a Kampala church Wednesday in a bid to drum up support.

The screening was attended by around 300 supporters crammed into an evangelical church in the Ugandan capital after plans for a "million-man march" were thwarted by police.

"We had planned to have a million-man and -woman march in Kampala but unfortunately we were told that we could not march because of security concerns," Martin Ssempa told the crowd.

"The major argument homosexuals have is that what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms is nobody's business but do you know what they do in their bedrooms?," the pastor asked.

Ssempa then displayed a slide show of gay pornographic pictures.

"This one is eating another man's anus (eds: correct)," the pastor said, before going into graphic scatological descriptions.

Via his new blog, Ssempa not only continues his ramblings but also celebrates his ignorance:

Ha ha ha..the homos are scared to death that we have hard evidence of WHAT they do. They are mortally ashamed of the public knowing the totally deviant sexual activities which include the most unnatural, unhealthy and disease prone sexual activities..fisting, anal licking, scat (fecal) games, brown and yellow showers, etc all these are the acts they want to keep secrets. See fisting (R)and the complete deviants dictionary (R) of WHAT they really do. So they now plant stories to bemoan that I am showing "gay porn" to "little children". That now my members in church are wanting to try out being homos! ha ha ha..

As I said before, Ssempa has reached the plateau where people are wondering is he fighting against gays or maybe some hidden urges in himself.

But to compound his nastiness, Ssempa wrote Truth Wins Out this note:

Thank you for your kindness in advertising my blog. But why are you indulging into racism by reading me as the Ugandan Rick Warren? Why is it every time a black man does something a blog, or the anti homosexuality bill, you want to credit a white man ie Rick Warren or some White Americans who visited Uganda? Please go ahead and read my blog as I read yours..and have the kindness to leave a polite comment. Check out the new video of the demo…and the statement on the expose on what homosexuals really do…Thanks and let the truth win out.

So again with trepidation, I publicize the fact that Ssempa has a blog. But as he said, the truth needs to be known . . . about just how ugly and evil his type of homophobia is.

If you go on his blog and leave a comment, PLEASE be polite.

Related posts:

'Kill the gays' bill supporter reduced to showing gay porn in church

Martin Ssempa talks about 'poop' to demonize lgbts

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  1. ColdCountry6:04 AM

    Wonder what he'd do is someone showed him videos of hets fisting, rimming, engaging in golden showers and scat play. Oh, yeah. Probably blame teh gays.

    I understand some people in Uganda are wondering why he hasn't been arrested on possession of porn charges. I was wondering the same.

    As far as his blog goes, you can talk to him all you want, but I don't think he is able to hear.

  2. A caution: I guarantee that his intent in creating the blog is to accumulate as many flames and as much hostility as possible, so as to demonstrate to Ugandans that "this is how evil they are."

    Please, this is serious. Anyone commenting on his blog, please stick to calm, well-reasoned arguments and do your absolute best to not be baited or let your anger get the best of you.

  3. Anonymous8:00 AM debunked the conservative view that Genesis 19 is about homosexuals. I copy pasted the entire thing into the comment section of his latest entry, and it's now waiting approval. I'm pretty sure he won't listen to a single word of it but it was worth a shot.

  4. Raw-b791:49 PM

    Can you please explain why I am required to be polite if I leave comments on Mr. Ssempa's blog? Am I suppose to accept his genocidal ramblings as just another opinion, as valid as anyone elses?

  5. Let me clarify. I didn't say don't give him what for, but I did say be polite in how you do it and I feel that way for a number of reasons.

    1. Another commentator here, Mercedes, has a point about how Ssempa will use your comments.

    2. Secondly, I have already read some very ugly comments on pro-gay blogs not only attacking Ssempa but black people in general. And there is no excuse for that. I hate the fact that sometimes my lgbt brothers and sisters go off half cocked and end up verbally hurting each other.

    3. Thirdly, despite Ssempa's mess, we are better than he is and need not reduce ourselves to his level of ugliness, no matter how angry he gets us.

  6. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Mr. Ssempa is only trying to gain publicity he is trying to push his own agenda and at the same time become a celebrity. He loves the attention he is getting. The only reason he is so involved in this bill is because it is gaining him more notoriety and publicity. He is trying to get the bill re-worded to disguise the true meaning behind it. Rather than promote peace and actually trying to help his people and society in general, which is what a person in a role such as pastor should be doing, he is out condemning others and stirring up hate. Religion has always been used as a guise to pull the wool over people's eyes and to impose the will of those in power over those who are weaker. It's ok to kill those who don't agree with my point of views is what Mr. Ssempa is saying, I speak in the name of God, I have a robe on and I like to talk a lot about God so what I am saying has to be true. Let this bill be passed in the name of God. Let's kill people who do not subscribe to my point of view on sexuality in the name of God. Sounds like this man may find himself on a terror watch list. I know of another historical figure that had the same idea that Mr. Ssempa is promoting, he was Adolph Hitler, Hitler wanted to kill anyone that was gay, black or Jewish. People like this with so much dissent for anyone of any race creed or sexual orientation need to be stopped. If he is allowed to succeed with this bill then what will be next? imprisoning Jews because they don't believe in Christ as so called Christians do or Mormons because they believe in Joseph Smith? Promote peace not hate. Do not condem others for their beliefs, for those that do this are bigots. Absolutley nothing positive can come out of this agenda that Mr. Ssempa has. Which is to remove homosexuals from the face of his Christian earth anyway possible.
