Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mean, Dumb, and Just Plain Stupid

There is so much stuff going on today that I decided to introduce it all in a segment which I sincerely HOPE that I never have to use again - Mean, Dumb, and Just Plain Stupid.

MEAN - We've all heard of Constance McMillen, the young girl whose school cancelled her senior prom to keep her from bringing her girlfriend. And we know the story of Derrick Martin, the young man in Georgia inspired by this story to bring his boyfriend to his prom and how his school and folks across the nation backed him up.

But do you know what his parents did? Apparently they couldn't deal with all of the attention and kicked him out. According to this link he is now staying with a friend.

What kind of crap is that? I've seen a 5'4, 100 woman swing a chair like a baseball bat in defense of her child. These folks can't handle a little attention? Nonsense

Of course all of those folks who gave Kevin Jennings and GLSEN hell last year are totally silent over this.

DUMB - Oklahoma, home of Sally (gays are terrorists) Kern did something really hilarious.  The state legislature created a bill meant to strip hate crimes protection from lgbts. However, because of a "legislative error,"  the bill strips hate crimes protection from cases of race and religion. Lgbts, however, are still protected. Whoops!

JUST PLAIN STUPID - Those damn teabaggers. I'm sorry but now they are at the point of threatening the Democrats who voted health reform legislation through and that's just ugly. Children have been threatened, windows have been broken, and the home address of legislators have been posted with invitations to "pay them a visit."

You know it's serious when Politico and the Huffington Post are concentrating on the same story.

So from this day forward,  I will always refer to those folks as "teabaggers." Forget that "tea party members" nonsense.  They will always be "teabaggers" to me and yes I know the sexual connotations of the term, but maybe if some of them actually concentrated on that certain act, we wouldn't have to deal with hearing their mouths for a while.

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  1. ColdCountry4:07 PM

    Poor kid.

    “This is most likely a legislative error or at least a typo,” Rice said.

    Oooooh, yeah.

    Speaking as a member of the (named by Porno Pete!) Gay Jihad, I thought we were the dangerous ones?

  2. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Well, as one who has posted the addresses of those who oppose full equality I have to say, it's ALL public record.

    That said, the Teabaggers really are the lunatic fringe.

    And the Oklahoma thing, this is what you get when you just elect any idiot to represent you.

  3. I'm sorry, but shouldn't "nigger," "faggot," and "baby killer" have given you some clue that the Teaparty Taliban was a bunch of hateful bigots?
