Monday, March 15, 2010

Not another gay marriage will lead to bestiality lie! and other Monday midday news briefs

Police deliberately destroy lesbian’s military career out of spite - What are you reading is true and is a damn shame.

Next Up For the GOP Bestiality Rodeo Round-Up: AZ Sen Candidate J D Hayworth! - Sen. John McCain's Republican primary challenger says gay marriage could lead to people marrying horses. No offense on heterosexual marriages in general but from what I've seen in some cases, they have the people marrying dogs market cornered big time.

Gov. Bob McDonnell says he’s done enough to protect gays - How about not being such a big homophobe?

Government revisiting restrictions on blood donations by gay men - a touchy, touchy issue.

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1 comment:

  1. Bill S12:40 PM

    When people equate gay reslationships with bestiality, are they just saying it because they know they'll be quoted? Or are they actually too stupid to understand why that analogy doesn't work?
