Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Andrea Lafferty - 'Won't someone PLEASE think of the children.'

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Today, HRC Associate Director of Diversity Allyson Robinson and the Traditional Values Coalition's Andrea Lafferty appeared on CBSnews.com’s program “Washington Unplugged" debating ENDA.

It's interesting how Lafferty admits that TVC are focusing on scaring people by ignoring gays, lesbians, bisexuals component of ENDA and instead focus on how "spooky" trangenders will be "invading" the classrooms.

At first, I was hoping that Robinson would prevent Lafferty from talking over her but luckily it worked in her favor a few times as Lafferty comes across as Helen Lovejoy from The Simpsons.

But let's not be so quick to laugh. We know the game plan and though TVC is an officially designated hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, we also know that they have some Congressional influence.

So let's start making those phone calls

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  1. Alvin, thanks for helping get this out there. Lafferty shows her true stripes here more clearly than her blouse ever could, I think. I'd love another opportunity to face off with her. She's a bully, and her vision for America includes her getting to tell every American parent what is best for their children and every American family how they are allowed to define themselves. That's not liberty or freedom or safety - that's tyranny.

  2. No problem, Allyson.

    And I have to commend you for remaining calm and stating your points intelligently. I KNOW it was difficult not to allow yourself to show anger with what Lafferty did.

    Don't worry. She did come across as extremely alarmist and phony. I hope to convey that sentiment in showing past posts involving her ridiculous claims about ENDA.
