Thursday, April 01, 2010

Let the child be 'a single lady' if he wants to

I couldn't resist posting this. Apparently while driving in the car, a family put the Beyonce song "All the Single Ladies."

When the three-year-old boy joined his sisters in singing it, his father told him that he wasn't a single lady, thereby totally destroying the little guy.

But it does have a happy ending. The father apologized and this morning, they were on CBS's This Morning where the little boy - who is sooo cute - was humming the song. Also the father said he now lets the boy sing the song all he wants to.

No mean comments, folks. But it does remind me of when I was a child and I would hear a good song by a female and took it upon myself (because of peer pressure) to substitute feminine pronouns for the masculine ones so it would seem that I was talking about my "girlfriend" rather than my "boyfriend."

Ain't it a drag when silly little fears like that ruin a good experience like singing a fun song?

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  1. EL Miller10:02 AM

    I cry when I hear this song for an entirely different reason...I am STILL a single lady at the ripe old age of 42!
