Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Obama gets heckled about DADT - Call me unimpressed

By now you have heard about how the group GetEqual heckled President Obama during his speech praising Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer.

And to tell the truth, I'm feeling a bit reticent about the entire thing because I question the credibility behind it.

Oh sure, everyone is full of revolutionary fire and anger and those who were involved in the legendary stances of Act-Up and Queer Nation are channeling memories, but is this anger genuine and sustaining and will it bleed over to other fights regarding lgbt equality?

Or can we can count on this fire to catch on for a brief second with so many of us evoking a catchy slogan (i.e. "No More Mr. Nice Gay," or "the Gay T.M. is closed")to conceptualize our anger and then whither and die.

Granted, I'm a pragmatic individual but I see the sense in direct action tactics, unless those tactics are the ends and not a means to an end.

So I can't help wondering just where will this lead? A mention on tv shows? An annoyingly self-satisfied rant of "we showed him" by various activists? Ignorant rants calling Obama a homophobe by folks who let their vitriol take over their common sense?

Meanwhile, religious right groups are covertly doing the things they do to make our lives hell, such as holding conferences, forming phony medical groups, and getting cozy with like-minded Congressional leaders.

Whether we like it or not, religious right groups are our real enemy. They have been that way before Obama came to office and they will continue to be that way after he leaves.

In the argument over lgbt equality, they are the proverbial elephant in the room, so why is it that we don't attack them with as much fervor as we go after Obama?

Where are the protests at the headquarters of the Family Research Council or Concerned Women for America? Where are the slogans aimed at them such as "Stop lying about our lives," or "Jesus never lied"?

Why aren't we disrupting them?

So while I'm intrigued by the recent of heckling of President Obama, I've seen it all before.

And I'm not impressed.

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  1. I just found this blog this week, and I have to say, it is now my favorite source for LGBT political commentary.

    I'm also unimpressed with this demonstration. But despite its ineffectiveness, I am totally behind the sentiment. I think that bias masquerading as tolerance is as hurtful if not more hurtful than outright bias. On a personal level, that's what makes me angriest. I do agree that the Christian Right is the best and most effective place to direct that anger. But at the same time, I think that a few generations from now, when the arguments of the crazy fundamentalists have been completely discredited, no one is going to remember the less bombastic injustices perpetuated by allies in name only, such as Obama. I think it's important for people to see that you don't have to be Jerry Falwell to have biases against queer identified individuals.

    But in the end I pretty much agree that these protests, when not coupled with political actions that take the Jerry Falwells of the world to task, will be equally ineffective. I just hesitate to completely condemn Obama protesters.

  2. Really? So were you impressed when Mr. Obama had Rick Warren at his inauguration? Or how about his near absence on LGBT issues? Or maybe your more impressed with his Memo on same sex hospital visitation rights? Sound's like your merely another Gay version of an Uncle Tom. And Garen? You know Falwell's dead right?

    Get Equal! Fight Like Hell! Oh and nobody give's a shit if your impressed. Peace

  3. And next month, you will be saying another slogan.

    I suppose it's useless to point out my past writings because you obviously miss the point. Will the heckling lead to more positive action or will it just lead to useless venting. You have just answered my question with your racially insensitive comment.


  4. No part of my response implied that Falwell is alive. Fool.
